Thursday 2 February 2012

Definition of Database?, What is Data Base Management System(DBMS)?

A database is a collection of  information  that is organized so that it can easily be  accessed, managed, and updated.There are different types of database but the most popular is a  relational database that stores data in tables where each row in the table holds the same sort of information.

Data Base Management System(DBMS):-

A database management system (DBMS) is the software that allows a computer to perform database functions of storing, retrieving,  adding,  deleting  and  modifying data. Relational database management systems (RDBMS) implement the relational model of tables and relationships.
Database Applications:-
1.Computerized library systems automated teller machines 
2.Flight reservation systems 
3.Storage and reproduction of graphics images,video and audio
4.Online reservations

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