This blog contains Information Security, Cryptography and Network Security, Network Security, Web and Internet Technologies, Campus Placement questions and Python Notes.
Saturday, 31 October 2020
Monday, 26 October 2020
Write a PHP program to store user registration information (like user name, address, DOB, age, Aadhar card number, gender) with data base and display that details on view screen in tabular manner
<title> user registration information</title>
<h3 align="center">user registration information</h3>
<form name="registration" method="post" action="storeuser.php">
<table align="center" height="450">
<td><input type="text" name="name" id="name" /></td>
<td><textarea rows="4" cols="30" name="address" id="address"></textarea> </td>
<td>Date of Birth:</td><td><input type="date" name="dob" id="dob"/></td>
<td><input type="number" name="age" id="age" /></td>
<td>Aadhar Number:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="aadhar" id="aadhar" /></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" /> Male
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="female" /> Female</td>
<td colspan="2" align="center">
<input value="Submit" type="submit"/>
<input value="reset" type="reset" />
$link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "wit");
// Check connection
if($link === false){
die("ERROR: Could not connect. " . mysqli_connect_error());
// Escape user inputs for security
$user = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['name']);
$address = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['address']);
$dob = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['dob']);
$age = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['age']);
$aadhar = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['aadhar']);
$gender = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['gender']);
// attempt insert query execution
$sql = "INSERT INTO storeuser (name, address,dob,age,aadhar,gender) VALUES ('$user', '$address',
if(mysqli_query($link, $sql)){
echo "Records added successfully.";
echo "<a href='".$link_address."'>Go to Register Page</a>";
} else{
echo "ERROR: Could not able to execute $sql. " . mysqli_error($link);
// close connection
<a href="display.php">|Display|</a>
$r=mysql_query("select * from storeuser");
echo"<table border=1>";
echo"<tr><th>User Name</th><th>Address</th><th>Date of Birth</th><th>Age</th><th>Aadhar Number</th><th>Gender</th></tr>";
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($r))
{ echo"<tr>";
echo "<td>".$row['0']."</td>"."<td>".$row['1']."</td>"."<td>".$row['2']."</td>"."<td>".$row['3']."</td>"."<td>".$row['4']."</td>"."<td>".$row['5']."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
<a href="store.html">|Home|</a>
Monday, 19 October 2020
Write a script that asks the user to enter two numbers and outputs text that displays the sum, product, difference and quotient of the two numbers.
<title>javascript using sum, product, difference and quotient</title>
var number1;
var number2;
var sum;
var product;
var difference;
var quotient;
number1 = parseInt(window.prompt( "Enter first number" ));
number2 = parseInt(window.prompt( "Enter second number" ));
sum = number1 + number2;
product = number1 * number2;
difference = number1 - number2;
quotient = number1 / number2;
document.writeln( "<h3>The sum is " + sum + "</h3>" );
document.writeln( "<h3>The product is " + product + "<h3>");
document.writeln( "<h3>The difference is " + difference + "<h3>");
document.writeln( "<h3>The quotient is " + quotient + "<h3>");
Sunday, 18 October 2020
Design a form using HTML and java script to collect the details from the user such as name, gender (radio button), address, state & city. Create a dynamic drop down list for state and based on state, create another drop down list containing list of cities for that state.
<head><title>dynamic drop down list</title>
function dropdownlist()
var state=document.getElementById('input').value;
var array=["Tirupati","vizag","kadapa","Amaravathi","kurnool"];
else if(state==="KA")
var array=["Bangalore","Mysore","Mangalore","Hubli"];
else if(state==="TN")
var array=["vellore","chennai","Coimbatore","Madurai"];
else if(state==="TG")
var array=["Hyderabad","Warangal","Nizamabad","Karimnagar"];
var array=[];
var string='';
string="<select name='loc'>"+string+"</select>";
<form name="collectdetails">
<p>Name:<input type="text" name="uname" id="uname" /></p>
<p>Gender:<input type="radio" name="gender" value="male">Male
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="female">Female</p>
<p>Address:<textarea rows="4" cols="10" placeholder="please enter the proper address"></textarea></p>
<select id="input" onChange='dropdownlist()'>
<div id="output">
Write a script that reads an integer and determines whether it is arm strong number or not.
<html><head><title>Armstrong number or not</title>
function Armstrong()
var flag,number,remainder,addition = 0;
number = Number(document.getElementById("num").value);
flag = number;
while(number > 0)
remainder = number%10;
addition = addition + remainder*remainder*remainder;
number = parseInt(number/10);
if(addition == flag)
window.alert("The input number is Armstrong");
window.alert("The input number is not Armstrong");
<h1>Whether a number is Armstrong or not</h1>
Enter the number :<input type="text" name="n" id = "num"/><br/>
<input type="submit" value="CHECK" onClick="Armstrong()" />
For example Armstrong numbers are : 153 370 371 407
Write a PHP script to sort the elements in descending order of an array.
Example 1
$numbers = array(20, 91, 4, 39, 23);
$arraylength = count($numbers);
for($x = 0; $x < $arraylength; $x++) {
echo $numbers[$x];
echo "<br>";
Example 2
$cars = array("Maruthi", "TATA", "KIA");
$carslength = count($cars);
for($i = 0; $i < $carslength; $i++) {
echo $cars[$i];
echo "<br>";
Example 3
// Define array
$numbers = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);
// Sorting and printing array
rsort($numbers); // rsort- sort arrays in descending order
Array ( [0] => 10 [1] => 9 [2] => 8 [3] => 7 [4] => 6 [5] => 5 [6] => 4 [7] => 3 [8] => 2 [9] => 1 )
Example 4
$colors = array("Red", "Blue", "Green","Yellow");
Output: Array ( [0] => Yellow [1] => Red [2] => Green [3] => Blue )
Write a PHP program that receives the value of N using HTML form and displays the first N Fibonacci numbers as HTML list.
function Fibonacci($num){
if ($num == 0)
return 0;
else if ($num == 1)
return 1;
return (Fibonacci($num-1) + Fibonacci($num-2));
<head><title>Fibonacci example</title></head>
<body><form action="" method="POST">
Enter Number:<input type="text" name="num"/><br/><br/>
<input type="submit" name="print" value="Print N Fibonacci Numbers"/>
$num = $_POST["num"];
for ($counter = 0; $counter < $num; $counter++){
echo " ".Fibonacci($counter)." ";
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Web and Internet Technologies 2 Marks questions and answers
1. What are the different types of lists in HTML?
Ans. unordered list <ul>
ordered list <ol>
Nested list - combination of unordered list and ordered list.
description list - <dl>
2. What is the purpose of meta tags in HTML?
Ans. The <meta> tag defines metadata about an HTML document.
<meta> tags always go inside the <head> element, and are typically used to specify character set, page description, keywords, author of the document, and viewport settings.
3. What are the different types of Cascading Style Sheets?Ans. There are three ways of inserting a style sheet are
1. Inline CSS
2. Internal / embedded CSS
3. External CSS
4. What are HTML5 added several new input types?
- color <input type="color">
- date <input type="date">
- datetime-local <input type="datetime-local">
- email <input type="email">
- month
- number
- range
- search
- tel
- time
- url
- week
1. Internal DTD
2. External DTD
6. What are PHP super global variables?Ans. The PHP superglobal variables are:
7. What is AJAX?
Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML.
AJAX is not a programming language.
It is a technique for creating better, faster and more interactive web applications with the help of XML, DOM,HTML , CSS and JavaScript.
Unlike classic web pages , which must load in their entirety if content changes.
AJAX allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by fetching data from the server behind the scenes.
AJAX cannot work independently.
AJAX uses a combination of:
1. HTML and CSS for presentation.
2. DOM for dynamic display of and interaction with data.
3. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)or XML for the interchange of data, and XSLT for its manipulation.
4. XMLHttpRequest object (to exchange data asynchronously with a server)
5. JavaScript.
8. What is Asynchronous in AJAX?
Ans. Asynchronous means that we are exchanging data to/from the server in the background without having to refresh the page.
9. What about the response in AJAX Application?
Responses from the server in AJAX are handled in the form of callbacks.
A callback is a special function which is used in AJAX so that server can respond to the client when it is ready to send data to the client.
10. What are Advantages of AJAX?
AJAX allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the scenes. This means that it is possible to update parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page.
Bandwidth Usage- Ajax based application use less server bandwidth, because no need to reload complete page.
Asynchronous calls- AJAX make asynchronous calls to a web server. This means client browsers are avoid waiting for all data arrive before start the rendering.
XMLHttpRequest - XMLHttpRequest has an important role in the Ajax web development technique. XMLHttpRequest is special JavaScript object that was designed by Microsoft. XMLHttpRequest object call as a asynchronous HTTP request to the Server for transferring data both side.
11. What are Disadvantages of AJAX?
View source is allowed and anyone can view the code source written for AJAX.
• It can increase design and development time.
• More complex than building classic web application.
• Search Engine like Google cannot index AJAX pages.
• JavaScript disabled browsers cannot use the application.
• Security is less in AJAX application. Anyone can view the source code written for Ajax.
• The back button problem. People think that when they press back button, they will return to the last change they made, but in AJAX this doesn't hold.
12. What is XMLHttpRequest object ?
The XMLHttpRequest object can be used to exchange data with a server behind the scenes. This means that it is possible to update parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page.
13. What are XML Schema built-in data types?
Primitive data types:
String, boolean, decimal, float, double, duration,dateTime, time, date, gYearMonth, gYear, gDay,
gMonthDay, gMonth, hexbinary, base64binary, anyURL, QName, NOTATION.
Derived data types:
normalizedString, token,language,NMTOKEN,NMTOKENS,Name, NCName, ID, IDREF, IDREFS, ENTITY,ENTITIES,integer, nonPostiveInteger, PostiveInteger,NegativeInteger, nonNegativeInteger, unsignedLong,unsignedInt, unsignedShort, unsignedByte,long, int, short, byte.
14. Types of XSD Elements?Simple Elements
Complex Elements
15. What are Building Blocks of XML Documents?
Seen from a DTD point of view, all XML documents are made up by the following building blocks:
1. Elements
2. Attributes
3. Entities
16. What are XML Schema (XSD) Indicators?
We can control HOW elements are to be used in documents with indicators.
1. <all>
2. <choice>
3. <sequence>
17. Difference between Document Type Definition(DTD) and XML Schema Definition(XSD)?
18. What is XML Schema?
An XML Schema describes the structure of an XML document.
The XML Schema language is also referred to as XML Schema Definition (XSD).
The purpose of an XML Schema is to define the legal building blocks of an XML document:
XML Schema is an XML-based alternative to DTD.
19. What is PCDATA and CDATA?
PCDATA means parsed character data.
Text found between the start tag and the end tag of an XML element.
PCDATA is text that WILL be parsed by a parser. The text will be examined by the parser for entities and markup.
<!ELEMENT employee (firstname,lastname)>
<!ELEMENT firstname (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT lastname (#PCDATA)>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Output: virat kohli
CDATA means character data or unparsed character data.
CDATA is text that will NOT be parsed by a parser. Tags inside the text will NOT be treated as markup and entities will not be expanded.
<!ELEMENT employee (firstname,lastname)>
<!ELEMENT firstname (#CDATA)>
<!ELEMENT lastname (#CDATA)>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE employee SYSTEM "employee.dtd">
<firstname>virat </firstname>
Output: <firstname>virat </firstname> <lastname>kohli</lastname>
20. What is script manager in AJAX?
The key control in every ASP.NET Ajax-enabled application is the ScriptManager (in the Toolbox’s AJAX Extensions tab), which manages the JavaScript client-side code (called scripts) that enable asynchronous Ajax functionality. A benefit of using ASP.NET Ajax is that you do not need to know JavaScript to be able to use these scripts. The ScriptManager is meant for use with the controls in the Toolbox’s AJAX Extensions tab. There can be only one ScriptManager per page.
21. State the use of WSDL?
WSDL stands for Web Services Description Language
WSDL is used to describe web services
WSDL is written in XML
WSDL is often used in combination with SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol) and an XML Schema to provide Web services over the Internet. A client program connecting to a Web service can read the WSDL file to determine what operations are available on the server. Any special datatypes used are embedded in the WSDL file in the form of XML Schema.
Write the HTML code to print following table.
<head><title>table example</title>
border: 1px solid black;
<td colspan="2">ONE</td>
<td>TWO </td>
<td rowspan="2">THREE</td>
<td rowspan="2">SIX</td>
<td colspan="2"> EIGHT</td>
Wipro Elite sample questions
1. The cost price of an article is Rs. 480. If it is to be sold at a profit of 6.25 percent,what would its selling price be?
A. 510 B. 530 C. 503 D. 519
2. The profit earned after selling an article for Rs 996 is the same as the loss incurred after selling the article for Rs 894. What is the cost price of the article ?
A. Rs 935 B. Rs 905 C. Rs 945 D. Rs 975
3. The ages of Nishi and Vinnee are in the ratio of 6:5 After 9 years the ratio of their ages will be 9:8 What is the difference in their ages?
a) 9 years b) 7 years c) 5 years d) 3 years
4. Find out the wrong number in the given series
9050, 5675, 3478, 2147, 1418, 1077, 950
a) 3478 b) 1418 c) 5673 d) 2147 e)1077
5. Profit earned by the organisation is distributed among officers and clerks in the ratio of 5:3 If the number of officers is 45 and the number of clerks is 80 and the amount received by each officer is rs 25,000 what was the total amount of profit earned?
A. Rs. 22 lakh B. Rs. 18.25 lakh C. Rs. 18 lakh D. Rs. 23.25 lakh
6. A student wants to share his problem with his teacher and visits the teacher for the same at his home. In such a situation, the teacher should_
(A) Suggest to him to escape from his home
(B) Contact the student’s parents and provide help
(C) Warn him to never visit his home
(D) Extend reasonable help and boost his morale
7. If a student alleges against you for showing favoritism in evaluation of scripts, how would you deal with him?
(A) Show his answer book and few more
(B) Reject his allegations
(C) Adopt punitive measure
(D) Make efforts to reveal his position
Hedger Problem Description
What are the characteristics of Big Data?
The V's of Big Data:
1. Volume --- The size of the data.
2. Velocity --- Analysis of streaming data. The speed at which the data is being generated, produced, created, or refreshed.
3. Variety --- Different types of data(Structured,Unstructured,Semi-structured)
4. Variability --- The data whose meaning is constantly changing.
5. Veracity --- Uncertainty of data (or) The trustworthiness of the data in terms of accuracy.
6. Visualization --- The data in a manner that's readable and accessible.
7. Value --- Just having BigData is of no use unless we can turn it into value.