Sunday 18 October 2020

Write a script that reads an integer and determines whether it is arm strong number or not.

     <html><head><title>Armstrong number or not</title>


function Armstrong()


var flag,number,remainder,addition = 0;

number = Number(document.getElementById("num").value);

flag = number;

while(number > 0)


remainder = number%10;

addition = addition + remainder*remainder*remainder;

number = parseInt(number/10);


if(addition == flag)


window.alert("The input number is Armstrong");




window.alert("The input number is not Armstrong");





<h1>Whether a number is Armstrong or not</h1>

    Enter the number :<input type="text" name="n" id = "num"/><br/>

<input type="submit" value="CHECK" onClick="Armstrong()" />



For example Armstrong numbers are : 153    370     371     407


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